
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Healing Brush

More requests for fixing blemishes...I've show you Before and After, but haven't explained how I did it. The Healing Brush is the best tool ever. Who cares if you have a zit...just fix it later and nobody will ever know! This is especially handy for the baby drool rashes and scratches. Just select the Healing Brush tool (not the Spot Healing Brush Tool)...find a flawless part that is similar is shade and hue, and while holding the Alt button, click the flawless area. Then click (as usual) over the flawed areas. Don't be shy in identifying new flawless cloning spots...the best way to make it blend is to redo this process a lot. I also make sure my brush has a hardness of only about 20% or so...this makes the edge feathered, and thus easier to blend. As you can see in my photo to the left, poor Landon had a little rash by his mouth, but using the Healing Brush you would never know it was there! Plus, it can be helpful in getting rid of the drool that tends to stand out with flash photography. It is a very easy thing to learn, but hard to visualize the procedure without actual video of me doing it, so feel free to send me any questions if you are having trouble. And as always, I use Photoshop (CS4) version for Windows, so sorry Mac users, you may need to substitue buttons sometimes! :-) And I know CS3 is lacking some of the cool shortcuts that CS4 has...sorry about that!

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