
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Common Error Messages

It happened to me...just last night in fact. I admit, common sense went out the window and I panicked. I left my camera in my car all day and it was hot, but the camera itself wasn't hot so I wasn't concerned. Then I got to my daughter's Little Miss Hawley Pageant and went to take my first photo and got a dreaded error message. CHA. What in the heck did that stand for? Instead of using my handy guide, which was right in my camera bag, I assumed it was a heat issue and called my friend in town with the same camera model. I shot with hers, although not used to her settings I didn't get the quality and control I was used to, but I was in a crunch and I made do. Did about 3 minutes of research this morning and it turns out it was just a memory card error...I had multiple memory cards in my bag but since logic flew out the window all I can do is learn from it and hopefully pass the information on to you and you do not have to go through my stupidity during an important event. I've created a handy list of common error codes and what you can do. I admit, Canon's confuse me and they tend to have less codes and combine the errors with multiple potential issues, so sorry if I can't help more there. These seem to be the most common issues though, so I hope this helps!

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