
Friday, October 14, 2011

Adjusting White Balance (much easier)

Many times the AUTO mode on White Balance setting is adequate enough, but if you are noticing pictures that are blue-cast or overly yellow, you need to get off auto. There are a whole-slug of options (and sub-options) using White Balance and you can manually choose one from the menu and try it out and re-adjust if needed.

But if you want a quick shot, you need a quick answer now! You can also do a custom white balance using Live View for getting a quick White Balance to your liking. LV (Live View) is the same button you use for taking HD Video. With the camera on, press the LV (Live View) button and you can view the scene on the rear screen of the camera. While viewing the scene, press and hold the WB button and rotate the rear wheel (up by the shutter button. Winding the wheel will demonstrate how each Preset WB mode will adjust your photo (at this time it isn't a picture yet, just your view). If none of the presets work for your photo, you will need to rotate the dial/wheel until you get to K (which shows the Kelvin value of your White Balance). While still holding in the WB button, rotate the front dial. This will rotate through the cameras stored Kelvin values from 2500 (very blue) to 10000 (very yellow). You should be able to pinpoint something that correctly captures the photo. Once you have it set, you can return to view finder mode by pressing LV again. Remember to return your White Balance back to Auto when done with that particular scene or you will find yourself frustrated the next time you use your camera.

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